Sunday 3 February 2013

Coffee and company

In spite of the miserable week I've had, the weekend turned out to be far more successful,which as per usual went by far too quickly. I started my Saturday by heading down to Covent Garden to have a catch up with my university friend Katherine.  I hadn't seen her since our graduation and it was wonderful to have a long overdue catch-up. We headed to the cafe, Notes. I had walked past it a couple of times and been wanting to give it a try and it's so cute! The cafe has a European feel to it - it's simple and has food, coffee and wine - perfect for a catch up or to spend time on your own. We grabbed a coffee and after a while had some soup - which was absolutely delicious! All in all, it was a great afternoon with great company! 
Afterwards, I had to rush off home, get changed and make my way to a local Mediterranean restaurant where we celebrated my aunt's 50th birthday. Her birthday was actually at the end of December but with the holidays, she decided to celebrate it a bit later. It was a lovely evening with surprisingly good food and a Michael Buble impersonator - who was incredibly cheesy, but as he was pretty good, it was actually more than bearable. 

As for my Sunday, I spent most of it sleeping, catching up on some tv, doing some housework and even managed to make a trip to the gym. The day seems to have flown by and I didn't get to do as much as I would have liked. Nevertheless, it's been good to end the week on a positive note, making me slightly more optimistic about the week ahead (doesn't make me dread Monday any less, however). 
If you're feeling depressed about Monday: think
of this
Hope everyone has a great week!


Roo xx

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